Combatiendo el silencio e impunidad en delitos de violencia sexual a través de alianzas feministas: un análisis del caso Sepur Zarco en Guatemala
Sexual violence, domestic slavery, strategic litigation, feminisms, Sepur Zarco, GuatemalaAbstract
This article analyzes the way in which Guatemalan feminist organizations have intervened in the construction of historical memory and justice for sexual violence and domestic slavery crimes during the internal armed conflict. The case of Sepur Zarco is taken as an example of an organizational process that included the creation of spaces for indigenous women to break the silence on these crimes, as well as its participation as civil parties in a criminal complaint involving crimes against humanity. These interventions resulted in not only in giving visibility to these abuses, especially in a sexist and racist society that stigmatizes the victims; but
also in recognizing the state responsibility in the commission of these crimes and establishing integral reparations. Despite the positive results, it is necessary to continue this organizational work in order to achieve effective guarantees of non-repetition that dismantle the systems of oppression so entrenched in Guatemalan society.
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