The prohibition of symbolic and media violence in Argentina: overcoming the public / private dichotomy?


  • Lorena P. A. Sosa
  • Mariana Grosso Ferrero


Femicide, Media, Gender violence, Symbolic violence, Private / public


Historically, the classic distinction between the public sphere -regulated by the State – and the private sphere - out of its scope – has justified and naturalized state inaction in cases of violence against women. This failure has been overcome both by international and national regulations, which establish the State's responsibility for cases of violence against women even when they occur in the private sphere. Consequently, Argentina has incorporated femicide as a crime of public action. It has also recognized symbolic violence as a form of violence that crosses both areas. However, the mediatic treatment of femicides denotes contradictions regarding the regulation of symbolic violence based on the public / private dichotomy. This article explores the scope of the conceptualization of symbolic violence from a theoretical, legal and practical perspective –, and its implication around said dichotomy. It incorporates a qualitative analysis of the femicide news of the three newspapers with the highest national circulation (Página12, Clarín and La Nación) since June 3, 2015, the date of the first mass mobilization organized by the movement “Not one less”, until February 2017 inclusive. 


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Author Biographies

Lorena P. A. Sosa

Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow, Utrecht University; Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Correo electrónico:

Mariana Grosso Ferrero

Estudiante de grado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Correo electrónico:


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