
  • Kleverton Melo de Carvalho Universidad Federal de Sergipe/Brasil.


Economic metaphors, Environmental Law, Complexity


This paper seeks to revisit economic metaphors largely used in environmental law (EL), especially the international one, such as "sustainable development" and "green economy". This bibliographic essay argues that the first metaphor represents a romantic discussion with few results and the second one is concerned to grant economic value to nature, stimulating investments in a new green market. Therefore, some epistemological reflections are made to consider that these guidelines are insufficient to stop nature destruction. Finally, it argues that the EL could observe the paradigm of complexity, which has had a significant rise in social sciences under the influence of Edgar Morin. The contributions of this author promote a transdisciplinary and systematic view. Whereas the legal subsystem is essential for building a more efficient model of environmental management, complexity approach could better integrate EL to other fields of knowledge.


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Author Biography

Kleverton Melo de Carvalho, Universidad Federal de Sergipe/Brasil.

Docente y investigador de la Universidad Federal de Sergipe/Brasil. Doctor em Derecho Internacional de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Doctorando en Administración Pública en La Universidad Federal de Bahia/Brasil. Pesquisador dos Projetos UBACYT 20020130100047BA (2014-2017) y UBACYT 20020100100815 (2011-2014). E-mail:


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