Argentine Private International Law under the prism of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: what if 30 years is just the beginning?


  • Adriana Dreyzin de Klor Profesora Emérita de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Cristina Britos Facultad de Derecho, UNC


Private International Law, Convention on the Rights of the Child, best interests of the child


In these lines we intend to reflect upon the path in the struggle for the universal protection of the rights of children in our country, during the thirty years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which has constitutional hierarchy. The research focuses on the road taken by the argentine Private International Law concerning the best interests of the child, through the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation and the jurisprudence that is being developed, through the institutes covered by this science. Among these we will mention: international child abduction, international adoption, maintenance obligation and international surrogacy. From this development emerges the link between Private International Law and Human Rights, so that the children protection reaches maximum efficiency


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