30 years of the best interests of the child. Its interpretation and application in the institute of adoption and house arrest
Best interests of the child, adoption, house arrestAbstract
This article addresses the concept of "best interests of the child" and similar expressions, (e.g. "the best for the child" and "the most beneficial for the child") its meaning and criteria used in its application, based on normative notions and interpretations, made by professionals from different legal occupations, who serve as doctrinarians, judges, defenders, advisors and/or administrative officials in Argentina. Part of the information gathering is done through a tour of the scientific productions of the members of UBACyT teams, Groups in Formation, of different scientific programs.
The interpretations and applications of the concept will offer us parameters not only concerning the content used in an area of family law: the adoption institute, but also in a particular area of criminal law: the house arrest in a specific context and time.
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