The 2007 Hague Protocol on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations, an important instrument for the transnational provision of maintenance obligations


  • Eduardo Tellechea Bergman


Maintenance Obligations, Private International Law, Hague Protocol


The increasing international displacements of people, sometimes massive, as a result of the development of the media and especially of the transport and the greater flexibility of national borders, as well as the incidence of different social, political and economic variables, have led to a growing internationalization and even an international dispersion of the family in the last decades. As a consequence of the reality described, there is a significant increase in judicial proceedings referring, among others, to family and minority issues raised between parents based in different States.
In this context it is convenient, both for the effective binding force of the Conventions elaborated by the Hague Conference, and for the number and importance of the States Parties to them, the approval, by the countries of the continent that haven´t made it, among them, our country, of the 2007 Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance.


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