
  • María Emilia Barreyro Facultad de Derecho, UBA.


Popular sovereignty, people, populace, democracy, assembly


This work explores the concern for the deliberation’s conditions in Democracy during the second half of the 18th Century, considering the idea of ‘people’ as a key concept for the cornerstone of political modern thought: the premise of popular sovereignty. First it explores the conceptual distinction between ‘le peuple’ and ‘la populace’ in French tradition, taking into account some specific articles of the ‘Encyclopédie’ edited by D. Diderot and J. D’Alembert. Then it follows the tension’s trail between that premise of popular sovereignty and fear of numerous assemblies in American tradition analyzing J. Madison and A. Hamilton’s thought; finally it studies that tension in British tradition by taking the case of W. Godwin.


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Author Biography

María Emilia Barreyro, Facultad de Derecho, UBA.

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