Disputes over the significance of the Native Forest in Chaco prov-ince: damage, sustainability and environmental justice


  • Pablo Barbetta Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires


Judicial power, environmental litigation, native forest


The objective of this paper is to analyze and understand the role of the ju-diciary, in an environmental litigation presented by a group of Indigenous Associa-tions in the province of Chaco, Argentina. In it, not only the preservation of the na-tive forest but also the different forms of valuation, use, management and appropria-tion of the native forest from the intervention of different subjects in the litigation is at stake. In this context, given the topical-rhetorical nature of discourse and legal rea-soning (Santos, 1977), I am interested in analyzing the basic premises under which the dispute is created and framed by the different intervening subjects. This will allow us to inquire about the idea of damage construction and the notion of sustaina-bility that each of the subjects wield.


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