
  • Marina Gorali Facultad de Derecho, UBA.


Legal Interpretation, Sense, Topology, Power, Language


Klein’s Bottle is a non-orientable topological figure having neither outside nor inside. It is a surface involving self-crossing: entailed twist causes its surrounding turns to reverse after the first turn. Its building develops as from two Moebius bands displaying a different twist which are stuck in their ends. Like the endless tales of the Arabian Nights or like the scene within the scene itself, the topological sketch of Klein’s Bottle re-opens the link of an unlimited question. Do outside and inside actually exist in legal interpretation? If – as Cárcova states – a reasonable balance allows to overcome the claim to the final and ultimate sense in facts and rules without resulting in a radical skepticism, which is the route of such a multiplicity? Is this wandering an unsystematic migration? Or, on the contrary, like in a Kafka´s tale, does the wager for the displacement of sense talk to us about the absence as if it were a true  chance? This work is intended to travel along a portion of this mark by becoming registered throughout the framework of a deep conviction: law deserves the chance of its re-significance. New topologies may certainly contribute to such a challenge – a challenge which examines us as legal operators but, mainly, as a whole community.


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Author Biography

Marina Gorali, Facultad de Derecho, UBA.

Abogada por la Universidad de Buenos Aires – Licenciada en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de Buenos Aires – Doctoranda de la Facultad de Derecho (UBA) – Investigadora Proyecto UBACYT “La deriva del sentido y los límites de la interpretación judicial” dirigido por el Dr. Carlos M. Cárcova – Profesora Adjunta interina de Filosofía del Derecho, Cátedra Cárcova, Facultad de Derecho(UBA). Miembro Asociación Argentina de Filosofía del Derecho.


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