Thirty years of MERCOSUR: paths travelled and a roadmap for investor- State dispute settlement
MERCOSUR, investor-state dispute settlement, Cooperation and Facilitation Investment Protocol, policy spaceAbstract
During the thirty years of MERCOSUR, the bloc and its members have gone through different stages in relation to investor-State dispute settlement regime, from fragmentation to the construction of regional regulations. The current legitimacy crisis of the regime is challenged by the covid-19 syndemic, with criticisms and actions originating from both the Global South and the Global North. Considering the above, this piece aims to answer the following guiding questions: 1) What is the situation map of MERCOSUR members regarding the investor-State dispute settlement regime?; 2) What path of regional construction has the bloc travelled? Is the Investment Cooperation and Facilitation Protocol a turning point?; 3) What options should a new roadmap include in times of covid-19 syndemic?
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