Towards a Euro-latin american space for the protection of personal data


  • Roberto Cippitani


personal data, fundamental rights, circulation and transfer of data, European Union, MERCOSUR


The circulation of personal data, although a global phenomenon, is still regulated with the tools of the past centuries, i.e. through categories of national law.

It is therefore necessary to start building a real transnational discipline on the protection of personal data. This could be done between America and Europe, which have many cultural links, especially in legal fields.

This need is even foreseen by documents referring to bilateral relations, such as the Association Treaty between MERCOSUR and the European Union. In the area of personal data protection, the European Union and Latin America share common values and have a similar approach.

This situation represents a favourable normative context for building common standards through international treaties between Europe and Latin America, which can constitute a paradigm for establishing international rules at the global level.


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