The Constitution and its normative force






This paper addresses the normative force of the Constitution, focusing on human dignity and the division of power as pillars of constitutionalism. It presents the hypothetical scenario of a president seeking to freeze or eliminate pensions, or concentrate all public power, arguing that such actions would violate human dignity and the division of power, eroding the normative force of the Constitution. It is also argued that constitutional systems can withstand such attacks thanks to the existence of objective norms that reinforce the unity of the legal order. It is concluded that lower norms contradicting the Constitution are invalid, despite their apparent effectiveness, as they cannot override the magnitude of constitutional norms. Therefore, it advocates for the defense and strengthening of the normative force of the Constitution as a fundamental pillar for democracy and the Rule of Law.


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Constitución de la Nación Argentina

Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia 70 del 20/12/2023

Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia 274 del 22/3/2024


CONSUMIDORES ARGENTINOS, Fallos: 333:633, 19/5/2010 (Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación)




