The Vernengo-Atienza Debate Revisited. On the Epistemological Status of Le-gal-Dogmatic Studies


  • Claudina Orunesu Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


Legal Science, Legal Dogmatics, Technique, Rationality


In 1986, in the pages of the journal Doxa, Roberto Vernengo and Manuel Atienza were involved in an enriching debate about whether it is possible to consider the studies conducted by legal dogmatics as a science or if, instead, they can only aspire to be re-garded as a technique. By exploring the main theses and arguments presented in this ex-change, it will be identified the presuppositions and conceptions of rationality involved in order to establish the relevant features that, concerning a better understanding of legal-dogmatics task, favor one option or the other. 


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Author Biography

Claudina Orunesu, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina). ORCID: 0009-0003-5542-6498. Correo electrónico:  


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